Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Interesting moments in our daily routine life

Interesting moments in our daily routine life:

Trying hard to find the mobile when it is in silent mode
A random day dream & then realizing that you were staring at someone by mistake
Restarting the song when you miss your most favorite line
Everything else becoming more interesting when its exam time
Enjoying the moment when someone interrupts the class for an important announcement
Shouting 'sirrrr/missss' when its 1o b4 break...

Life is fun when you take it as simple as it actually is

1 comment:

  1. I taught junior high students with learning disabilities and helped them
    overcome their reading problems, but they still could not spell well.
    I have to admit that I am a culprit of a few of these.
    It's funny that I didn't realize until now that I was making a mistake!
    Thanks for the post. Here's to a better-spelled 2012.
    Cute Sms
