Friday, September 23, 2011

Motivational Message

Four candles were talking to each other

1st-"I am PEACE, no one needs me" & it went off..
2nd-"I am FAITH, nobody believes in me" & it went off..
3rd-"I am LOVE, nobody cares for me" & it went off..
4th-"I can light the other three because I am HOPE & I last forever!"

Life is tough, sometimes impossible to live.. but never lose hope.
I wish that your candle of HOPE lights all your other candles and keep them glowing.
Stay Blessed :)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Funny Women Quotes

To generalize on women is dangerous. To specialize on them is infinitely worse.

I hate women because they always know where things are.
by Malcolm de Chazal

Women are scientifically proven to be right even when they are wrong.

A woman is like a tea bag. She only knows her strength when put in hot water.

Man has will, but woman has her way.

What is better than wisdom? Woman. And what is better than a good woman? Nothing.

When women are depressed they either eat or go shopping. Men invade another country.

Women make me happy. Once accepting that i will never be able to understand them makes me more happier.

A woman knows how to keep quiet when she is in the right, whereas a man, when he is in the right, will keep on talking.

There are two ways to rule a women and nobody knows them..

I'd much rather be a woman than a man. Women can cry, they can wear cute clothes, and they are the first to be rescued off of sinking ships.

Good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere.

If the world were ruled by women then there would be no war… just couple of nations not talking with each other.

When women go wrong, men go right after them.

Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men.

Women sleep on the right side of the bed because even while sleeping they have to be right!

Men will spend 2 bucks on a 1 buck item that they desperately need. Women will spend 1 buck on a 2 buck item that they don’t need at all.

If women didn’t exist, all the money in the world would have no meaning.

A woman's mind is cleaner than a man's - That's because she changes it more often.

One of the most difficult things in the world is to convince a woman that even a bargain costs money.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Place Always Matters

Most beautiful words
Most painful words
Words are the same BUT in different places!! so yes place always matters!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Good Night SMS

As u go 2 bed 2night,
I ordered bats 2 guard u tight.
I told some ghosts to dance in white, & 2 make sure u r alert,
i'LL ask the dracula 2 kiss ur neck goodnight..

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Funny Monkey SMS

3 monkeys escaped from the zoo...
One was caught watching TV...
Another playing football...
And the third one...
(scroll down for answer)

No its not you...

Why do u always think u r a monkey?